When I found out that the Sierra Club was planning its first-ever act of civil disobedience in its 125-year history, I thought of it as a great branding opportunity. The plan was for a few dozen people to handcuff themselves to the White House fence in Washington, D.C., to protest the ongoing threat of the dirty tar sands that would be carried by the planned KXL pipeline. We invited a bunch of media folks to attend as we were directly targeting the Obama administration, asking them to put an end to the KXL pipeline once and for all. The handcuffs were white police zip ties, and I thought that would be a perfect medium for some type of graphic message. We used our tagline of Forward on Climate + Reject the KXL Pipeline. We also incorporated the design of the capital O from the Obama campaign logo into the handcuff graphic. 

The handcuff on White House gate image was in the Washington Post the next morning.

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